
You can use embed scripting to create embeds on your discord server via scare bot

Embed scripting is essential for event messages (welcome, boost, leave) or autoresponders

How to create embeds?

Embeds can be created by the following syntax: {element: value}

Where element is the embed element that has to be modified and value is the assigned value to that specific element


Embed elements:

  • color - the embed's color

  • title - the embed's title

  • description - the embed's description

  • content - the message content

  • thumbnail - the embed's thumbnail

  • image - the embed's image

  • author - the embed's author

  • field - the embed's field

  • footer - the embed's footer

  • timestamp - the embed's timestamp

  • delete - specifies how long should the bot wait until the response should get deleted (in seconds)

Multi parameter elements

The embed's multi parameter elements are:

  • fields - accepts name, value and inline (inline is False by default)

  • author - accepts name, icon_url and url

  • footer - accepts text and icon_url

Each parameter is divided by &&


{field: field name && field value && false}

{field: field name && field value}

{author: author's name}


The timestamp element can receive 3 values

  • now - displays the current time

  • joined_at - displays the time the embed author joined the server

  • created_at - displays the time the embed author's account was created

You can search for embed variabes by using the ,variables command on the bot

Last updated